AMX System Configuration
Each timer can have a unique 4-character timer tag. This parameter defines that tag.
Although AMX does not restrict the content of the timer tag field, the Configuration
Manager only supports 4 ASCII characters as a tag.
Id Variable
This parameter defines the name of a public variable of type AMXID in the System
Configuration Module in which AMX will save the timer id of the timer.
Timer Procedure Name
This parameter defines the name of the Timer Procedure to be called whenever the timer
Timer Parameter Name
This parameter defines the name of a public pointer variable whose address will be
passed as a parameter to the Timer Procedure. If your timer does not require such a
parameter, leave this field empty (blank).
Assume that your application includes a C variable tmparam declared as follows:
void *tmrparam;
Enter the name _tmrparam as the name of the timer parameter. Your Timer Procedure,
coded in C, will then receive &tmrparam as its parameter.
If the timer is a periodic timer, this parameter defines its period in multiples of AMX
system ticks. If the timer is a one-shot timer, this parameter must be set to 0.