Generator Specifications
C. Configuration Generator SpecificationsC.1 IntroductionIf you are not doing your software development on a PC or compatible running
Microsoft® Windows®, then you will be unable to use the interactive Configuration
Manager for Windows to create and edit your AMX System Configuration Module. You
may, however, still be able to use the Configuration Generator to assist you in this
process by porting it to your development system as described in Appendix C.4.
As described in Chapter 14.2, the Configuration Generator merges the information from
your User Parameter File with a template of a standard System Configuration Module to
produce your module. Since the User Parameter File is a text file, you are free to use the
text editor of your choice to create and/or edit this file.
The System Configuration Template provided with the Builder has been coded using
Microsoft's MASM Assembly Language. Some of the language syntax used by Microsoft
makes this module incompatible with Intel's ASM86 Macro Assembly Language. If you
are not using an assembler from one of the toolsets supported by KADAK to assemble
your System Configuration Module, you may have to edit the template file to reflect the
capabilities of your particular assembler.
For these reasons, source code of the template file and the Configuration Generator
program has been provided with AMX to allow the Configuration Generator to be ported
to your software development environment.
To assist you in this process, the specifications for the User Parameter File and the
System Configuration Template are presented in this appendix.