AMX Timing Control
Calendar Clock
The AMX Time/Date Manager provides Y2K compliant time of day calendar support if
required. The AMX calendar clock includes second, minute, hour, day, month, year and
day of the week. AMX services are provided to set and read the calendar clock. A
formatting procedure is also provided to translate the calendar time and date from the
internal format in which it is maintained by AMX into an ASCII string in several of the
most popular formats.
An application procedure can be tied to the calendar clock and called at one second
intervals to permit simple time of day event scheduling.
The following AMX procedures provide calendar clock services:
ajtds AATDS Set calendar time/date
ajtdg AATDG Read calendar time/date
ajtdf AATDF Format calendar time/date as an ASCII string
Time Slicing
The AMX Timer Manager can provide time slicing if required. Time slicing is the
process whereby AMX can force tasks which have the same execution priority to share
the use of the processor on a round robin basis. The processing interval allocated to a
task is called its time slice. The time slice for each task can be uniquely defined
permitting fine tuning of the AMX time slice facility to meet each application's particular
The following AMX procedures provide time slicing services:
ajtslv AATSLV Change a task's time slice interval
ajtsof AATSOF Disable time slicing
ajtson AATSON Enable time slicing