AMX 86 Procedures
ajsgwat ajsgwatPurpose Wait for Task Signal(s)
Used by n Task o IS P o Timer Procedure o Restart Procedure n Exit Procedure
Setup unsigned int tsignals;
long timeout;
int match;
int status;
unsigned int sigrecv;
status = ajsgwat(tsignals, match, timeout, &sigrecv);
AX BX[14..0] BX[15] DX:CX BX=
Where tsignals is a 15-bit mask identifying the task signals of interest. Only
the least significant 15 bits of tsignals (bits 0 to 14) are used. Set a
bit to wait for the corresponding task signal. All other bits must be 0.
match defines the task signal match requirements:
0 Wait for any of the selected task signals to occur.
<> 0 Wait for all of the selected task signals to occur.
timeout is the maximum interval measured in AMX system ticks which
the caller is prepared to wait for the task signal match to occur.
Timeout must be positive. If timeout = 0, the caller will wait forever
for the specified task signal match. (See Note).
&sigrecv is a pointer to storage for a 15-bit mask identifying the task
signals satisfied by this call. If &sigrecv = NULL (0L), no task signal
information is returned.