AMX Service Procedures
Processor and C Interface Procedures
In addition to the services provided by AMX and its managers, the AMX Library
includes several C procedures of a general nature which simplify application
programming in real-time systems on your target processor.
ajcfjlong Long jump to a mark set by ajcfjset
ajcfjset Set a mark for a subsequent long jump by ajcfjlong
ajcfstkjmp Switch stacks and jump to a new procedure
ajdi Disable interrupts
ajei Enable interrupts
ajflagrd Read the processor flags register (FLAGS)
ajflagrddi Read the processor flags register (FLAGS); then disable interrupts
ajflagwr Write to the processor flags register (EFLAGS)
ajgofs Get FAR pointer offset
ajgseg Get FAR pointer selector
ajgsreg Get (read) all segment registers
ajmodl Set DS to the DGROUP segment value
ajproc Generate assembler procedure CALL
ajsint Generate software interrupt
ajsofs Set FAR pointer offset
ajsseg Set FAR pointer selector
ajssreg Set all segment registers (except CS, SS)
Hardware I/O port operations
ajinb Read from an 8-bit input I/O port
ajinw Read from a 16-bit input I/O port
ajoutb Write an 8-bit value to an output I/O port
ajoutw Write a 16-bit value to an output I/O port