AMX System Configuration
Screen Layout
Figure 14.3-1 illustrates the Configuration Manager's screen layout. The title bar
identifies the User Parameter File being created or edited. Below the title bar is the menu
bar from which the operations you wish the Manager to perform can be selected. Below
the menu bar is an optional Toolbar with buttons for many of the most frequently used
menu commands.
At the bottom of the screen is the status bar. As you select menu items, a brief
description of their purpose is displayed in the status bar. If the Configuration Manager
encounters an error condition, it presents an error message on the status bar describing
the problem and, in many cases, the recommended solution.
Along the left margin of the screen are a set of one or more selector icons. These icons
identify the type of output files which the Manager's Configuration Generator will
produce. The System Configuration Module selector must be active to generate the
System Configuration Module and its related documentation file.
The center of the screen is used as an interactive viewing window through which you can
view and modify your system configuration parameters.
Figure 14.3-1 Configuration Manager Screen Layout