AMX 86 Procedures
Results Interrupts are disabled and then enabled upon return.
Status is returned.
AEROK = Call successful; event match occurred
AERTMO = Timed out before event match occurred
AERTMV = Invalid timeout interval (<0)
AERNSG = Invalid event group id
If the events in the group match your event selection criterion when you
call ajevwat, the callin g task continues execution immediately without
Upon return from ajevwat after a match or a timeout, the state of all 16
event flags at the time of the return are saved in the calling task's Task
Control Block. Procedure ajevnt can be called to retrieve the saved copy
of the event flags. If you waited for any one of several events, you can
interpret these flags to determine which of the events caused your task to
resume. If you timed out waiting for all of several events to occur, you
can interpret these flags to determine which events did not occur.
Note Assembly language call is:
PUSH MS word of timeout
PUSH LS word of timeout
PUSH match
PUSH value
PUSH mask
PUSH group
See Also ajevnt, ajevsig