AMX Event Manager
The AMX Event Manager provides the following event management services:
ajevcre AAEVCRE Create an event group
ajevdel AAEVDEL Delete an event group
ajevsig AAEVSIG Signal one or more events in a group
ajevwat AAEVWAT Wait for all/any of a set of events in a group
(optional timeout)
ajevrd AAEVRD Read current state of events in a group
ajevnt AAEVNT Get state of event flags at completion of event wait
ajevtag AAEVTAG Find the event group id of an event group with a specific tag
Your use of the Event Manager is optional. If you intend to use it you must indicate so in
your System Configuration Module. You must also provide a hardware clock and
include the AMX timing facilities.
Event groups can be predefined in your System Configuration Module which is processed
by the Event Manager at startup. Event groups which are predefined are automatically
created by the Event Manager. The event group id assigned to each predefined event
group is stored in a variable which you must provide for that purpose.