8.3 | Malfunctions with iSCSI connections |
| ||
| Malfunction | Possible causes | Recommended solution |
| After connecting to the | Incorrect LUN mapping during | Check the iSCSI system |
| iSCSI target, no LUNs are | iSCSI system configuration. | configuration and reconnect. |
| displayed. |
| After connecting to the | The LUN list could not be read, | Check the iSCSI system |
| iSCSI target, "LUN FAIL" | as it was assigned to the wrong | configuration and reconnect. |
| appears below a node. | network interface. |
| LUN mapping is not | Some iSCSI systems do not | Delete the initiator extension on |
| possible. | support the use of an initiator | the Identification configuration |
| extension. | page. |
CONNECT (opening A) |
| |
Does not light up: |
| |
Lights up green: |
| |
Lights up red: |
| Startup in progress. |
Flashes green: |
| Video transmission. |
Flashes red: |
| Firmware upload failed. |
LINK and ACT (opening B) |
| |
Green LED lights up: |
| Link: Network connection established. |
Orange LED lights up: | Activity: Data transmission via network connection. | |
LED group D (opening D) |
| |
UP (red): | Pan/tilt is moving up. | |
LEFT (red): | Pan/tilt is moving left. | |
RIGHT (red): | Pan/tilt is moving right. | |
DOWN (red): | Pan/tilt is moving down. | |
WND (red): | Window heater is switched on. | |
HTR (red): | Printed circuit board heating is switched on. | |
PWR (orange): |
Bosch Sicherheitssysteme GmbH | Installation and Operating Manual | DOC V4.5 2010.09 |