POISONOUSGAS HAZARD. Engine exhaust contains carbon
monoxide,a poisonous gas that could kill you i n minutes. You
CANNOTsee it, smell it, or taste it. Even if you do not smell exhaust
fumes,you could still be exposed to carbon monoxide gas. If you star t
tofeel sick, dizzy, or weak while using this product, shut it off and get
tofresh air RIGHT AWAY.See a doctor. You may have carbon
Operatethis product ONLY outside far away from windows, doors and vents to
reducethe risk of carbon monoxide gas from accumulating and potentially being
drawntowards occupied spaces.
Installbattery--operated carbon monoxide alarms or plug--incarbon monoxide
alarmswith battery back-up according to the manufacturer’s instructions.
Smokealarms cannot detect carbon monoxide gas.
DONOT run this product inside homes, garages, basements, crawlspaces,
sheds,or other partially-enclosed spaces even if using fans or opening doors
andwindows for ventilation. Carbon monoxide can quickly build up in these
spacesand can linger for hours, even after this product has shut off.
ALWAYSplace this product downwind and point the engine exhaust away from
NOTICE:This engine was shipped from Briggs & Stratton without oil. Before you start
theengine, make sure you add oil according to the instructions in this manual. If you
startthe engine without oil, it will be damaged beyond repair and will not be covered
DetermineThe Starting SystemBeforestarting the engine, you must determine the type of starting system that is on your
engine.Your engine will have one of the following types.
ReadyStart®System:This features a temperature controlled automatic choke. It
doesnot have a manual choke or a primer.
PrimerSystem: This features a red primer to be used for starting in cool
temperatures.It does not have a manual choke.
ChokeSystem: This features a choke to be used for starting in cool temperatures.
Somemodels will have a separate choke lever while others will have a combination
choke/throttlelever. This type does not have a primer.
Tostart your engine, follow the instructions for your type of starting system.
Note:Equipment may have remote controls. See the equipment manual for location and
operationof remote controls.
ReadyStart®System - Figure 4 51. Checkthe oil level. See the How To Check/Add Oil section.
2. Makesure equipment drive controls, if equipped, are disengaged.
3. Pushthe stop switch (A), if equipped, to the on position (Figure 4).
4. Turnthe fuel shut-off valve (B), if equipped, to the on position.
5. Movethe throttle control (C)tothefast position.Operatethe engine in the fast
6. Ifthe product is equipped with an engine stop lever (D), hold the engine stop lever
againstthe handle (Figure 5).
7. RewindStart: Firmly hold the starter cord handle (E). Pull the starter cord handle
slowlyuntil resistance is felt, then pull rapidly (Figure 4).
Note:If the engine does not start after repeated attempts, go to
BRIGGSandSTRATTON.COMor call 1-800-233-3723 (in USA).
WARNING: Rapidretraction of the starter cord (kickback) will pull your
handand arm toward the engine faster than you can let go. Broken bones, fractures,
bruisesor sprains could result. When starting engine, pull the starter cord slowly until
resistanceis felt and then pull rapidly to avoid kickback.
8. ElectricStart: Turn the electric start switch to the on/start position.
Note:If the engine does not start after repeated attempts, go to
BRIGGSandSTRATTON.COMor call 1-800-233-3723 (in USA).
NOTICE:To extend the life of the starter, use short starting cycles (five seconds
maximum).Wait one minute between starting cycles.
Primer System - Figure 5 71. Checkthe oil level. See the How To Check/Add Oil section.
2. Makesure equipment drive controls, if equipped, are disengaged.
3. Pushthe stop switch (A), if equipped, to the on position (Figure 7).
4. Turnthe fuel shut-off valve (B), if equipped, to the on position.
5. Movethe throttle control (C)tothefast position.Operatethe engine in the fast
6. Pushthe red primer (F) three times.
Note:Priming is usually unnecessary when restarting a warm engine.
Note:If you push the primer too many times, excessive fuel will flood the carburetor
andthe engine will be difficult to start.
7. Ifthe product is equipped with an engine stop lever (D), hold the engine stop lever
againstthe handle (Figure 5).
8. RewindStart: Firmly hold the starter cord handle (E). Pull the starter cord handle
slowlyuntil resistance is felt, then pull rapidly (Figure 7).
Note:If the engine does not start after repeated attempts, repeat Steps 6, 7, and 8. If
itstill does not start, go to BRIGGSandSTRATTON.COM or call 1-800-233-3723 (in
WARNING: Rapidretraction of the starter cord (kickback) will pull your
handand arm toward the engine faster than you can let go. Broken bones, fractures,
bruisesor sprains could result. When starting engine, pull the starter cord slowly until
resistanceis felt and then pull rapidly to avoid kickback.
9. ElectricStart: Turn the electric start switch to the on/start position.
Note:If the engine does not start after repeated attempts, repeat Steps 6, 7, and 9. If
itstill does not start, go to BRIGGSandSTRATTON.COM or call 1-800-233-3723 (in
NOTICE:To extend the life of the starter, use short starting cycles (five seconds
maximum).Wait one minute between starting cycles.
Choke System - Figure 5 81. Checkthe oil level. See the How To Check/Add Oil section.
2. Makesure equipment drive controls, if equipped, are disengaged.
3. Pushthe stop switch (A), if equipped, to the on position (Figure 8).
4. Turnthe fuel shut-off valve (B), if equipped, to the on position.
5. Movethe throttle control (C)tothefast position.Operatethe engine in the fast
6. Movethe choke lever (G),or the combination choke/throttle lever, to the
choke position.
Note:Choke is usually unnecessary when restarting a warm engine.
7. Ifthe product is equipped with an engine stop lever (D), hold the engine stop lever
againstthe handle (Figure 5).
8. RewindStart: Firmly hold the starter cord handle (E). Pull the starter cord handle
slowlyuntil resistance is felt, then pull rapidly (Figure 8).
Note:If the engine does not start after repeated attempts, go to
BRIGGSandSTRATTON.COMor call 1-800-233-3723 (in USA).
WARNING: Rapidretraction of the starter cord (kickback) will pull your
handand arm toward the engine faster than you can let go. Broken bones, fractures,
bruisesor sprains could result. When starting engine, pull the starter cord slowly until
resistanceis felt and then pull rapidly to avoid kickback.
9. ElectricStart: Turn the electric start switch to the on/start position.
Note:If the engine does not start after repeated attempts, go to
BRIGGSandSTRATTON.COMor call 1-800-233-3723 (in USA).
NOTICE:To extend the life of the starter, use short starting cycles (five seconds
maximum).Wait one minute between starting cycles.
10.As the engine warms up, move the choke control (G)totherun position
How ToStop The Engine - Figure 5 9WARNING
Fueland its vapors are extremely flammable and explosive.
Fireor explosion can cause severe burns or death.
Donot choke the carburetor to stop engine.
1. Releasethe engine stop lever (A, Figure 5)
Enginewith Throttle Control: Move the throttle control (B, Figure 9) to the stop
Enginewith Stop Switch: Push the stop switch (C, Figure 9) to the off position
Enginewith Electric Start: Turn the electric start switch to the off/stop position.
Seethe equipment manual for the location and operation of the switch. Remove the
keyand keep in a safe place out of the reach of children.
2. Enginewith optional Fuel Shut-off: After the engine stops, turn the fuel shut-off
valve(D, Figure 9) to the closed position.
Not for