Cisco IP Phone 7970 Series 27
Starting and Joining a Standard Conference
A standard conference allows at least three people to participate in a single call. See the table below
for details.
If you want to... Then...
Start a standard conference
call by calling participants
During a connected call, press Confrn to add another party to the
call. (You may need to press the more softkey to see Confrn.) Enter
the conference participant’s phone number. After the call connects
and you have spoken to the conference participant, press Confrn
again to add this party to your call. Repeat to add additional partic-
Invite current callers to join a
standard conference
With two or more calls on a single line, scroll to highlight any call
on the line and press Select. Repeat this process for each call you
want to add to the conference. From one of the selected calls, press
Join. (You may need to press the more softkey to see Join.) Note that
the active call is selected and added to the conference automatically.
Participate in a standard con-
Answer the phone when it rings. You do not need to do anything
special to participate in a standard conference call.
Barge (add yourself to) a call
on a shared line and turn the
call into a standard confer-
ence call
Highlight a remote-in-use call on a shared line and press cBarge.
(You may need to press the more softkey to display cBarge.) Other
parties on the call will hear a barge tone. See the “Using a Shared
Line” section on page 31 for details.
View a list of conference par-
Highlight an active conference, and press ConfList. Participants are
listed in the order in which they join the conference with the most
recent additions at the top.
Get an updated list of confer-
ence participants
While viewing the conference list, press Update.
See who started the confer-
While viewing the conference list, locate the person listed at the
bottom of the list with an asterisk (*) next to the name.
Drop the last party added to
the conference
Highlight the participant’s name at the top of the conference list and
press Remove. (The last participant is always listed at the top of the
list.) Or, when not viewing the conference list, press RmLstC. You
can remove participants only if you initiated the conference call.