Chapter 4 Configuring and Managing Cisco MeetingPlace Video Integration

About Managing Video-Conferencing Resources

Table 4-2 Conference and Port Parameters (continued)



Where Specified




Maximum number of

2 to the maximum number of

In MeetingTime, click the Configure

video ports that users can

ports that can be scheduled in

tab, then Scheduling Parameters, then

schedule for a

advance. The number of ports

scroll down in the panel on the right to


that can be scheduled in

the Video meetings heading, Max ports


advance is the total number of

per meeting field.


ports minus the number of ports



designated as floater ports, plus



the number of overbook ports.



Entering a large number into



this field may limit the



availability of ports and



simultaneous conferences.



Entering 0 means that video



conferences cannot be








Default number of video

0 (zero), or any number

In MeetingTime, click the Configure

ports to schedule for each

between 2 and the maximum

tab, then click Scheduling Parameters,


number of video ports in the

then scroll down in the panel on the right

This number appears by

system that can be scheduled.

to the Video meetings heading, Default

The number of ports that can be

# of ports to schedule field.

default in the # of video

scheduled in advance is the


callers field on the


total number of ports minus the


scheduling form of users


whose profiles allow

number of ports designated as


floater ports, plus the number of


them to schedule video


overbook ports.


conferences. If users do




not change this value

By default, this parameter is set


when they schedule a

to zero.


conference, this number

Do not enter 1; Cisco


of video ports will be


MeetingPlace will not schedule


scheduled for that


a conference that specifies a




single video port.





Entering a large number into



this field may limit the



availability of ports and



simultaneous conferences.





Administrator’s Guide for Cisco MeetingPlace Video Integration Release 5.3





Page 48
Image 48
Cisco Systems MeetingPlace Video Integration Tab, then Scheduling Parameters , then, Video meetings heading, Max ports