Chapter 1 Basic Troubleshooting Tasks and Startup Issues

Confirming the Hardware Installation

Confirming the Hardware Installation

Start troubleshooting the installation by issuing the show hardware command. The show hardware command displays all hardware components that are recognized by the system. These components can include the following:

Performance Routing Engine (PRE-1) modules (minimum of one, maximum of two)

FastEthernet Interface (onboard the active PRE-1 module)

Cable Interface line cards (minimum of one, maximum of eight):

Cisco uBR10-MC5X20S-D

Cisco uBR-LCP2-MC16C

Cisco uBR-LCP2-MC16E

Cisco uBR-LCP2-MC16S

Cisco uBR-LCP2-MC28C

WAN interface uplink line cards (minimum of one, maximum of four):

Cisco uBR10-1GE Gigabit Ethernet (GigE)

Cisco uBR10-1OC12/P-SMI Packet Over SONET (POS)

Cisco uBR10-SRP-OC12SML Dynamic Packet Transport (DPT) Spatial Reuse Protocol (SRP)

Cisco uBR10-OC-48 DPT/POS

Timing, Communication and Control Plus (TCC+) card (minimum of one, maximum of two)

If an installed item does not appear in the command output, make sure the item is properly installed. For example, make sure the line cards are fully inserted into the slot and the captive screws are tightened. If the problem persists, consult the Cisco uBR10012 release notes to confirm that this is not an existing problem. Finally, you should consider replacing the component.

The following example shows typical output from the show hardware command:

UBR10K-ROUTER1#show hardware

Cisco Internetwork Operating System Software

IOS (tm) 10000 Software (UBR10K-P6-M), Released Version 12.2(8)BC2

Copyright (c) 1986-2002 by cisco Systems, Inc.

Compiled Mon 12-Aug-02 17:53 slacmar

Image text-base: 0x60008940, data-base: 0x61730000

ROM: System Bootstrap, Version 12.0(9r)SL2, RELEASE SOFTWARE (fc1)

BOOTLDR: 10000 Software (C10K-EBOOT-M), Version 12.0(17)ST, RELEASE SOFTWARE)

UBR10K-ROUTER1 uptime is 3 weeks, 21 hours, 43 minutes

System returned to ROM by power-on

System restarted at 13:00:51 PDT Mon Dec 13 2003

System image file is “disk0:/ubr10k-k9p6-mz”

cisco uBR10000 (PRE1-RP) processor with 425983K/98304K bytes of memory.



R7000 CPU

at 262Mhz, Implementation 39, Rev 2.1, 256KB L2, 2048KB L3 Cache


version 1.0, 8 slot

Last reset from power-on

PXF processor tmc0 is running.

PXF processor tmc1 is running.


TCCplus card(s)


FastEthernet/IEEE 802.3 interface(s)




Cisco uBR10012 Universal Broadband Router Troubleshooting Guide














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Cisco Systems UBR10012 manual Confirming the Hardware Installation