Powerline Tabs
3.6 Powerline Tabs
SNMP Agent
Select the SNMP Agent tab from the Powerline tabs. The following screen will appear:
Fig.3.10 SNMP Agent
You can enable the SNMP Agent for the SNMP management software (like the Corinex Open Powerline Management Software), by checking the SNMP Agent Enabled checkbox. Then you can change the Read Community and Write Community strings in the corresponding fields. Default values are public and netman, and we are recommending you to change them, as they are well known and enable others to configure your Router from other computers. If you want to manage your Router from the WAN port, you have to check the Enable SNMP for WAN checkbox.
After you have entered the values in this screen, you can set them up by clicking on the Accept button.
Corinex Powerline Router User Guide