Copyright © 2007 • MCL Technologies • All Rights Reserved
Appendix F – Connectivity / Function Matrix
General introduction Datamax printers offer three different physical connectivities for
communicating with your host PC:
When MCL is running on a Datamax printer, MCL and Datamax share
these ports. Depending on which engine—Datamax or MCL—has
temporary ownership of a port, the protocol required to communicate
with the printer varies.
If MCL “owns” the port, the host PC application needs to
communicate with the printer using what is called MCL mode.
If Datamax “owns” the port, the host PC application needs to
communicate with the printer using what is called DPL mode.
Whether the printer requires MCL mode or DPL mode at a given
moment should not be of concern to you.
However, you do need to be aware of the impact this sharing has on
the functions supported depending on the connectivity you choose.
The matrix below summaries the functions supported according to the
printer Class and the physical connectivity being used.
A, I, M and W-Class Printers H-Class Printers
Function Connectivity Connectivity
Parallel Serial Ethernet Parallel Serial Ethernet
Load Firmware V X V V X V
Load MCL System Menu V X V X X V**
Load Fonts, Labels,
Images, etc V V V V V V
Load MCL files (projects,
etc.) X V V X V* V**
Send Printer Controls
(Formfeed, etc.) V V V V V V
Send DPL Commands V V V V V V
Get Printer settings X V* V X V* V**
Monitor Printer status X V* V X V* V**
V = Valid option
V* = Valid option if in the MCL System Menu you set Agent Port = Serial
V** = Valid option if in the MCL System Menu you set Agent Port = Network
X = Invalid option
October 2007 Page