•Higher bandwidth connections
•Improved bandwidth granularity
•High bandwidth server connectivity
A LAG is composed of ports with the same speed set to
DHCP Server
Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol is a method of managing network parameter assignment from a single DHCP server. The Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol (DHCP) automates the assignment of IP addresses, subnet masks, default gateway, and other IP parameters.
BootP and DHCP Clients
DHCP (Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol) enables additional setup parameters to be received from a network server upon system startup. DHCP service is an
The BootP client is operational if there is a corrupted or invalid software image. The BootP client then continuously attempts to find a BootP server, by sending BootP requests to all ports on the default VLAN, until a BootP server replies. The information replied is then used to provide the switch system with a TFTP server IP address and a download file name. The switch can then configure these values to the TFTP client and try to download a valid runtime image.
Spanning Tree Protocol Features
Spanning Tree Protocol (STP)
802.1d Spanning tree is a standard Layer 2 switch requirement that allows bridges to automatically prevent and resolve L2 forwarding loops. Switches exchange configuration messages using specifically formatted frames and selectively enable and disable forwarding on ports.
Fast Link
STP can take up to
IEEE 802.1w Rapid Spanning Tree
Spanning Tree can take
STP Root Guard
Root guard restricts the interface from functioning as the root port for the switch
Dell PowerConnect 28xx Systems User Guide