Understanding Invalid Combinations of Source and Destination
Some invalid combinations of source and destination exist. Specifically, you cannot copy the following:
•If the source file and destination file are the same file.
•xmodem: can't be destination. Can be copied to image, boot and null: only.
•tftp: can't be source and destination on the same copy.
•*.prv files can't be copied.
•Copy to or from the slave units is for image and boot files only.
copy Character Descriptions
Character | Description |
! | For network transfers, an exclamation point indicates that the copy process is taking |
| place. Each exclamation point indicates the successful transfer of ten packets (512 |
| bytes each). |
. | For network transfers, a period indicates that the copy process timed out. Many |
| periods in a row typically mean that the copy process may fail. |
Command: debug-mode
To switch to debug mode, use the
Syntax Description
This command has no arguments or keywords.
Command Mode
Privileged EXEC
Command: do
To execute an
do command
Syntax Description
command — The EXEC command to be executed.
Dell PowerConnect 28xx Systems User Guide