Developing a Fax Application

BfvFaxEndReception(lp, &args_fax);

Call this function when there are no more pages to receive.


BfvLineDetach (lp, &args_admin);

Frees all the memory for the attached line and closes the device.

Sending a Noninfopkt-Formatted Fax Stored in MMR Format

One way to send a fax using function calls for noninfopkt-formatted raw G3 files is demonstrated below. Each function is presented in sequential order, and the action it performs is described beneath it.

This example sends a one-page fax whose page and strip data are stored in noninfopkt-formatted files. The page consists of a Group 3 document (mmrdoc.g3) that is stored on disk in MMR format.

The application controls the format of images sent to the channel; this format is independent of the format of data transmitted by the channel.

BT_ZERO(args_admin); args_admin.unit = unit;

lp = BfvLineAttach(&args_admin);

Attaches to a free channel and gets a line pointer.

args_admin.config_file_name = "usrcnfig.cfg"; BfvLineReset(lp,&args_admin);

Resets the channel and sets the user-configured options selected in the user-defined configuration file named usrcnfig.cfg.


args_tel.phonenum = "w7814499009";

args_tel.call_protocol_code = CALL_PROTOCOL_FAX; args_tel.func = userfunc;

args_tel.arg = userarg; BfvLineOriginateCall(lp,&args_tel);

Dials the phone number, monitors call progress, and calls the user function to optionally decide when to terminate call progress.


args_t30.bit_rate = BITRATE_14400; args_t30.scan_time = SCANTIME_0; BfvFaxT30Params(lp,&args_t30);

Configures the channel's maximum transmission rate. This function is optional.


args_page.top_margin = 0; args_page.bottom_margin = 0;

November 2009


Page 81
Image 81
Dialogic 6.2 manual Sending a Noninfopkt-Formatted Fax Stored in MMR Format