Cut and Paste Utilities
November 2009 412
Paste Utility (g3combin)
Combines portions of Brooktrout Group 3 fax files, and, although it
is most commonly used to create letterhead and signature files, it
can combine all types of fax files. Although this utility is included, in
most cases combining fax files is better accomplished using infopkt
To attach a letterhead, specify the letterhead file as file1. To attach a
signature file, specify the signature file as file2. If the resolution of
the two files is different, you can specify which resolution to use for
the output file.
Command Syntax
g3combin <file1.301> <file2.301> <file3.301> [-l] [-s] [-pad]
For example:
g3combin -1 lethd.301 sign.301 busrpt.301
combines the contents of lethd.301 with the contents of sign.301 into
the output file busrpt.301. The contents of lethd.301 (letterhead) is
placed at the top of the output file, and sign.301 (signature) is placed
at the bottom of the output file. The resolution of sign.301 is
assigned to the output file busrpt.301.
-l (file2 resolution) Specifies the resolution of file2 for the
resolution of the output file when the resolutions of the
input files are different.
-s (file1 resolution) Specifies the resolution of file1 as the
resolution of the output file when the resolutions of the
input files are different.
file1.301 (top input file) Specifies the name of the file to place on top
of the combined document.
file2.301 (bottom input file) Specifies the name of the file to place on
the bottom of the combined document.
file3.301 The output file containing the combined contents of
file1.301 and file2.301.
-pad (pad short pages) Pads short pages to a standard 11" page