Clear the history buffer, do not print entries.
Display history output continuously until the program is terminated by the user. This option works best only on lightly loaded systems. For best speed, use the options -r-b, then later interpret the output using -R.
Do a raw dump of the uninterpreted history data in ASCII form.
Do dump as binary, for use with -r.
Indicates that history interpretation is to be done using a previously obtained binary history file. (Such files are obtained from system crash dumps or by processing the output of dh -r-b). A filename and starting offset in hex must be specified. When -R is used, the module and channel numbers are not required on the command line.
For use with -R. Forces the packet version to the specified value (0 or 1).
Read from the directory hdr_dir to create name tables. Used if modifications were made to commands or additional command header files are available after compilation and distribution of the program.
Main driver history.

Dump History

Invoking Dump History

You can invoke Dump History from within an application or directly from the command line.

„From within an application, one of:

ŠThe C system function

ŠBfvHistoryDumpModChan (args)

See Volume 1 of the Bfv API Reference Manual for detailed information on how to use the BfvHistoryDump... functions.

„As a stand-alone utility, as follows:

dh [-C] [-f] [-r [-b]] [-R file offset] [-P pktver] [-H hdr_dir] module channel -C




-R file offset


-H hdr_dir

module 1 channel 1

November 2009


Page 94
Image 94
Dialogic 6.2 manual Invoking Dump History