Chapter 5
| What’s | What’s Wrong | What You Can Do |
| Happening |
| ||
| |
| You enter | • Maybe you made a mistake when you | • Carefully enter the channel number you want again. |
| a channel number | entered the channel number, or maybe | • Press the remote control RECALL button to go back to the previous |
| you want. | the channel number you entered |
| |
| channel number. |
| ||
| The channel | doesn’t work. If so, the receiver tunes |
| |
| ||
| changes, | to the channel closest to the channel |
| but the new | you entered. | • To buy a channel, call the Customer Service Center |
| channel isn’t | If you entered the number for a |
| |
| exactly the | channel you haven’t bought, the | at |
| channel you | receiver tunes to the channel and gives |
| entered. | you the choice to buy it. |
| You’re scanning | • If you apply a Favorites List that’s not | • Press GUIDE until All Chan is the active Favorites List. |
| up or down | All Chan, the receiver skips channels |
| through the | that aren’t on the applied list. |
| channels, and the | • If you hide adult channels and lock | • Unlock the receiver so it doesn’t skip adult channels. |
| receiver skips |
| ||
| the receiver, the receiver skips adult |
| |
| channels you |
| |
| channels. |
| |
| know you bought. |
| |
| |
| The receiver | • Stray UHF signals from a nearby | • Install a 10 dB attenuator as described in Attach an Attenuator. |
| changes channels | neighbor are interfering with your |
| by itself. | receiver. |
| ||
| What’s | What’s Wrong | What You Can Do |
| Happening |
| ||
| |
| You find you can’t | • If the receiver runs out of room to auto | • To make sure you can watch all of a program, |
| watch part of a | record a program, it starts to erase the | of auto recording it. |
| program you’re auto | oldest part of the program to make room | • If you want to be able to watch all of a program you’re auto recording, |
| recording. | for new audio and video. | don’t change the channel. You can only auto record for about one hour. |
| • When you change the channel, you |
| |
| |
| erase what’s stored in auto recording. |
| • You can’t watch part of a “live” |
| program that hasn’t been broadcast yet, |
| because the receiver hasn’t recorded it |
| yet. |
| You find the | • Maybe you didn’t press the remote | • To |
| receiver didn’t | control RECORD button while you | RECORD button or set an Event Timer. If you set an Event Timer to |
| watched the program or set an Event | record the program, maybe the Event Timer was not set up right. See the |
| |
| a program. | Timer to record it. | Event Timers table for help. |
| • Maybe the receiver ran out of room | • Check the “time Left” on the DishDVR Recorded Events menu. |
| to | If you “protect” many recorded programs, the receiver may not have |
| • You may have had a signal outage | enough room to record any new programs. |
| caused by bad weather during the |
| recording. |
| You find the | If you don’t “protect” a recorded program, | Use the DishDVR Recorded Events menu to “protect” an |
| receiver is missing | and the receiver needs room to record a new | recorded program. This means the receiver will ask you before it records over |
| programs you | program, it may record over that recorded | that recorded program. But note, if you “protect” many recorded programs, |
| recorded. | program to have room. | the receiver may not have enough room to record any new programs. |
| When you open a | You see menu options only when they | You can use only the options you see on the menu. You won’t see all the |
| recorded program’s | work. For example, the Start option | options at once. You’ll never see a “Record” option; to record a program you |
| info menu, some of | doesn’t show up unless you select a | must either press the remote control RECORD button or set an Event Timer. |
| the options seem to | recorded program. |
| be missing. |
| To record more than one program, or to record parts of one or more programs, |
| ||
| recording stores | unless you set a manual event timer to start | set a manual event timer. |
| only one program, | and stop the recording at the times you set |
| or only part of one | yourself. |
| program. |
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