Chapter 5
| What’s | What’s Wrong | What You Can Do |
| Happening |
| ||
| |
| You press the | If you don’t add channels to any custom | You must add channels to a custom Favorite List before you can apply it. |
| remote GUIDE | Favorite List, you can apply only the |
| button while | All Chan list or the All Sub list. |
| you’ve got the |
| Program Guide |
| open. You find |
| you can apply only |
| the All Chan list |
| or the All Sub list. |
| You try to change | You can’t change the All Chan list | Choose another list to change. |
| the All Chan list | or the All Sub list. | Note: You can change the All Sub list by buying channels. |
| or the All Sub list. |
| To buy a channel, call the Customer Service Center |
| The receiver |
| at |
| displays an Error |
| message. |
| You try to apply | You can’t apply an empty list. | Choose another list to apply, or add at least one channel to the empty list. |
| an empty Favorite |
| List. The receiver |
| displays an Error |
| message. |
| A Favorite List | If you hide adult channels and lock the | Unlock the receiver for the list to show adult channels. |
| doesn’t show | receiver, no Favorite List shows adult |
| channels you | channels. |
| know you |
| added to it. |
| |
| What’s | What’s Wrong | What You Can Do |
| Happening |
| ||
| |
| You set a lock | Maybe you didn’t lock the receiver. | You must lock the receiver to apply any lock you set |
| (for example, a |
| (that is, to make it work). |
| lock on programs |
| by ratings), but the |
| lock doesn’t work. |
| You forgot the | Maybe you didn’t write down the | Call the Customer Service Center at |
| password, so you | password and keep it in a safe place. | You must give us your name, your address, your telephone number, |
| can’t unlock the |
| the receiver serial number (open the Important System Information |
| receiver. |
| menu to get it), and your PIN, if you use one. |
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