Color upgrade kit, 57 to 60
Pull tractor unit, 53 to 54
Roll paper holder, 55 to 56
Packet mode, 21
Page length for tractor, 18 Panel. See Control panel Paper alignment, 120
Paper specifications, 114 to 117
Parallel I/F (interface) bidirectional mode, 21 Parity, 21
Printable area, 117 to ?? Print direction, 19 Printer driver
from Windows 2000 or NT 4.0, 71 to 75 from Windows 3.1, 69 to 71
from Windows Me, 98 or 95, 66 to 68 from Windows NT 3.5x, 76 to 79
settings, 79 to 80
Remote! utility. See EPSON Remote! utility Removing
printed document from push tractor, 29 to 30
Ribbon cartridge, 111 Roll paper
printing, 55 to 56 specifications, 117
Roll paper holder, 55 to 56
Safety instructions, 8 to 9
Self test, 101
Single sheets