GUI Commands
From the Runtime Statistics display, you can enter commands to control the DPI (see Table 3, or enter the h command from the GUI command line).
Figure 13 Runtime Statistics - FPGA Unloaded
CPU(s): 0.0% user, 0.0% nice, 0.0% system, 0.0% interrupt, 100% idle
N/A/1 FlowTimeout=16 Packets/flow=0 Truncation=0 Irq period=5ms
Note: GUI commands that require a subsequent value entry have the current value displayed in parentheses at the prompt.
Table 3 GUI Commands
Command Description
aEstablishes the IRQ period (measured in milliseconds), which moderates DPI access to the
cThis command is not supported.
dBrings the OS network interface down and disables matching.
fEstablishes the maximum number of packets to be captured for each flow (Packets/Flow). A value of 0 specifies all packets.
hDisplays help information about the commands.
iEstablishes the display refresh interval (measured in seconds).
mInvokes a dialog menu through which dynamic rules can be defined, capture/forwarding policies can be set for each individual rule, and the firmware can be selected and loaded.(see Figure 14).
qExits the graphical user interface.
r Reset all the OS counters.
s Starts or restarts the drivers and reloads the firmware.
t Establishes the number of seconds after which a flow is considered expired (Flow Timeout).
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