Appendix F | Technical Support |
Manual Pages
Information on operating the appliance can be accessed through manual pages (man pages) with the command man command. The command man pnic displays the man pages on the command line interface; and man pnic displays them on the Ncurses interface. Man pages for the compiler can be accessed with man
•For information on Snort or creating Snort rules, visit www.snort.org.
•For information on Unix commands and the vi editor, see Appendix D , on page 125.
The iSupport Website
iSupport provides a range of documents and tools to assist you with effectively using Force10 equipment and mitigating the impact of network outages. Through iSupport you can obtain technical information regarding Force10 products, access to software upgrades and patches, and open and manage your Technical Assistance Center (TAC) cases. Force10 iSupport provides integrated, secure access to these services.
Accessing iSupport Services
The URL for iSupport is www.force10networks.com/support/. To access iSupport services you must have a userid and password. If you do not have one, you can request one at the website:
1.On the Force10 Networks iSupport page, click the Account Request link.
2.Fill out the User Account Request form, and click Send. You will receive your userid and password by
3.To access iSupport services, click the Log in link, and enter your userid and password.
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