Table 25 Sample Firewall Rules
#permit: let through and do not log to the host
#alert: let through and log to the host
#deny: DO NOT let through and do not log to the host
#divert: DO NOT let through and log to the host
#S:<precondition>; C:<postcondition> R:<logging>
#A packet is matched if precondition matches the current state of that flow;
#in that case the postcondition is ORed and applied to rewrite the state of that flow;
#A precondition of 1 starts a new flow
#logging should be set to 2 for most cases; see the user manual for R:1
#Topology assumption
#c0 : Unsecured EXTERNAL network
#c1 : Secured INTERNAL network
#specify here your inside networks #var INTERNAL var INTERNAL any
var EXTERNAL any
#specify here your outside DNS servers #var DNS [,]
var DNS any
var DNSPORT 53
#specify here the services provided from the inside network #var ALLOWEDPORTS [21,22,25]
#allow INTERNAL network to poke a hole through the firewall for TCP services
permit on c1 tcp $INTERNAL any
#allow EXTERNAL network to poke a hole through the firewall if accessing any of the ALLOWEDPORTS permit on c0 tcp $EXTERNAL any
#allow TCP packets on the established flow/hole (INTERNAL
#allow INTERNAL network to poke a hole through the firewall for DNS queries
permit on c1 udp $INTERNAL any
#allow UDP packets for the established UDP flow/holes (INTERNAL
#bad stuff; do not let though and do not log
deny on all tcp any any
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