Disk reference surface
An ideal flat ring surface of an ideal spindle that comes into contact with the clamp area on a disk. The disk reference surface is perpendicular to the rotation axis.
Error correction code
An error correction code designed to correct specific errors in data.
Error detection and correction
A series of methods used to add a redundant code to data in the existing format and then record data. In read mode, the decoder removes a redundant code and detects and corrects errors using the redundant information.
Interleaving section
A process that physically arranges data units so that data resists burst errors.
LUN (Logical Unit Number)
A device address used to identify a logical unit.
Recording layer
A disk layer in which data should be recorded during manufacturing or recording.
Recording power
An incidence power specified on the incidence surface and used to form marks.
Sense code
Sense data
Information generated by the target to report detailed error information if a command end status contains any error information.
Sense key
A disk drive component that comes into contact with a disk and a hub.