Outgoing Calls
2nd Ô Thomas P
_2ndA Ô 0 z
Common Abbreviated Numbers
External numbers are stored centrally in your BusinessPhone Communication Platform. Common Abbreviated Numbers can be dialled from every extension that has the authority to do so.
Enter the Common Abbreviated Number.
Please refer to your telephone directory.
Individual Abbreviated Numbers via a programmable key
You can program and activate your most frequently used external numbers on the 2nd layer of a programmable key. This procedure can also be used if you want to program a function that is activated/deactivated via a dial code.
Press to make a call or activate a code
Program Individual Abbreviated Number
How to program external numbers or dial codes on the programmable keys.
Press to enter the programming mode.
Press a programmable key.
Enter the digit(s) for external line access and the public number.
Note: Which digit to press for external line access depends on the configuration of the system.The number can consist of up to 24 digits.
Note: If your public network requires waiting for a second dial tone, press the key 2nd followed by the key 2.
BusinessPhone – Dialog 4222 Office / Dialog 3211 & 3212 | 29 |