Mailbox System
Mailbox System
While you are away from the office, callers can leave messages in your individual or in a common mailbox, which can be used by more than one user.
You are also able to configure your individual mailbox with your personal greeting, see section “Change your Personal Greeting” on page 58.
The first time you enter the mailbox system (only possible from own extension), you might be requested to change your password if it is default (0000). See section “Change Password” on page 61 or follow the voice announcements.
Note: To use the mailbox system, your extension has to be authorized by the system administrator.
2nd Ô Diversion z
2nd ÕÔ Diversion í
Activate the Mailbox
Divert your extension to your individual or to the common mailbox.
Enter the number of the individual or common mailbox. Ask the system administrator for the defined numbers.
Press to finish the procedure.
When the diversion is activated, the Diversion lamp shows steady light.
54 | BusinessPhone – Dialog 4222 Office / Dialog 3211 & 3212 |