pH ARC SensorsModbus RTU Programmers Manual (EPHUM011)
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2.4.3 Description of the Analog Interfaces 1 and 2
Register 4352/ 4480contain the descriptions of AO1 / AO2 as plain text ASCII:
register Number of
registers Reg1Reg8
16 ASCII characters Modbus
function code Read
access Write
4352 8 Description of AO1 3, 4 U/A/S none
4480 8 Description of AO2 3, 4 U/A/S none
Figure Definitionof register 4352 and 4480
Command: Currentinterface text Modbusaddress: 4352 Length: 8Type: 3Read
Parameter: Text
Format: Character
Value: mAin terface #1
Figure to read the description of AO1. The text is mA interface #1. Accordingly,
AO1 is physically configured as a 4-20 mA current output.
Command: Currentinterface text Modbusaddress: 4480 Length: 8Type: 3Read
Parameter: Text
Format: Character
Value: mAin terface#2
Figure to read the description of AO2. The text is mA interface #2. Accordingly,
AO2 is physically configured as a 4-20 mA current output.
pH ARC Sensorsdo not have an ECS (in contrast to VISIFERM DO)!
Data structure: registeraddress offset between AO1 and AO2 is always 128.
2.4.4 Selection of an Analog Interface Mode
The analog interfacem ode of AO1 / AO2 is selected by programming the analog interface mode in
register 4360/ 4488.
register Number of
registers Reg1/ Reg2 Modbus
function code Read
access Write
4360 2 Active analoginterface mode for AO1 3,4, 16 U/A/S S
4488 2 Active analog interfacem ode for AO2 3,4, 16 U/A/S S
Figure Definitionof register 4360 / 4488. Only one bit can be set.
Command: Active interfacem ode Modbus address: 4360 Length: 2Type: 16 Write
Parameter: Mode
Format: Hex
Value: 0x02
Figure Example to set the analog interface mode of AO1 to 0x02 (4-20 mA linear output).