pH ARC SensorsModbus RTU Programmers Manual (EPHUM011)
624300/01 page 47/ 67
The here performedassignment was successful. The sensor is running using a valid product
calibration. Product calibration:Cancel
Calibration statusafter cancelling an active product calibration:
Command: Calibrationstatus CP6 Modbusaddress: 5318 Length: 6Type: 3Read
Parameter: Status Unit Value
Format: Hex Hex Float
Value: 0x00000000 0x00001000 4.5
Figure to read the calibration status of CP6 after having performed a cancel
command at CP6.
The statusreports no messages. The last successful calibration at CP6 has been performed at
pH 4.5.
The sensori srunning on a valid standard calibration and no product calibration is stored. Product calibration:Restore standard calibration
Calibration statusafter restoring a standard calibration from an active product calibration:
Command: Calibrationstatus CP6 Modbusaddress: 5318 Length: 6Type: 3Read
Parameter: Status Unit Value
Format: Hex Hex Float
Value: 0x10000000 0x00001000 4.5
Figure to read the calibration status of CP6 after having restored the standard
calibrationf roman active product calibration (CP6).
The status says: CP6assigned(0x10000000). The last successful calibration at CP6 has been
performed at pH 4.5.
The sensori srunning on a valid standard calibration but a valid product calibration is still
availablei n the sensor. Product calibration:Restore product calibration
Calibration statusafter restoring an available product calibration from an active standard calibration:
Command: Calibrationstatus CP6 Modbusaddress: 5318 Length: 6Type: 3Read
Parameter: Status Unit Value
Format: Hex Hex Float
Value: 0x14000000 0x00001000 4.5
Figure to read the calibration status of CP6 after having restored an available
product calibration(CP6) from an active standard calibration (CP1 / CP2).
The status says: CP6:active(0x04000000) and CP6:assigned(0x10000000). The last
successful calibrationcorresponding to the here performed assignment has been performed at
pH 4.5.
The sensori srunning on a valid product calibration again.