pH ARC Sensors Modbus RTU Programmer’s Manual (EPHUM011) calibration: Restore standard calibration
If a product calibration is active this product calibration can be temporarily switched off by writing the command 0x03 to register 5340.
Performing this action the values of the product calibration remain stored in the sensor’s memory.
Command: CP6: Restore standard | Modbus address: 5340 | Length: 2 | Type: 16 | Write | |||
Parameter: | Command |
Format: | Hex |
Value: | 0x03 |
Figure Example to restore a standard calibration from an active product calibration. Writing command 0x03 (restore standard calibration) to register 5340.
From now on the sensor is measuring using its prior CP1 / CP2 standard calibration.
The sensor’s calibration status (register 5318) will be reading “CP6 assigned”(0x10000000) meaning that a valid assignment for a product calibration is available in the sensor’s memory (see figure calibration: Restore product calibration
If a valid but inactivated product calibration is available in the sensors memory, the calibration status is reading “CP6 assigned”(corresponding to 0x10000000, see figure, this stored product calibration can be restored or reactivated by writing command 0x04 to register 5340.
Command: CP6: Restore product | Modbus address: 5340 | Length: 2 | Type: 16 | Write | |||
Parameter: | Command |
Format: | Hex |
Value: | 0x04 |
Figure Example to restore an available product calibration from an active standard calibration. Writing command 0x04 (restore product calibration) to register 5340.
From now on the sensor is measuring using its prior CP6 product calibration.
The sensors calibration status (register 5318) will be reading 0x14000000 (corresponding to “CP6 assigned”and “CP6 active”, see figure again.
If this command is performed without available product calibration in the sensor’s memory the sensor will respond with a Modbus exception since this command is not valid.
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