pH ARC Sensors Modbus RTU Programmer’s Manual (EPHUM011)
2.4.6 Reading the Internally Measured Output Current
Reg. 4414 / 4542 provides internal parameters of AO1 / AO2:
the setpoint to which the current is regulated in a closed loop control
the electrical current the sensor is measuring to feed the closed loop control
These values are helpful in order to compare against the externally measured electrical current.
Start | Number of | Reg1 / Reg2 | Reg3 / Reg4 | Modbus | Read | Write |
register | registers |
| function code | access | access |
4414 | 4 | Set point | Internally measured | 3, 4 | U/A/S | none |
| [mA] | [mA] |
| AO1 | AO1 |
4542 | 4 | Set point | Internally measured | 3, 4 | U/A/S | none |
| [mA] | [mA] |
| AO2 | AO2 |
Figure Definition of register 4414 / 4542.
Command: Internal values AO1 | Modbus address: 4414 | Length: 4 | Type: 3 | Read | ||
Parameter: | Set point | Internally measured |
| [mA] | [mA] |
Format: | Float | Float |
Value: | 9.99186 | 9.99742 |
Figure Example to read the internal values of AO1, depending on the analog interface mode.
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