Choose Sto to store a number in one of ten memory slots. Choose Rcl to recall a stored number.
Choose Con to access a list of mathematical constants such as Avogadro’s number or the speed of light.
•Statistics: Statistical functions such as sum, factorial and random number generator.
•Weight/Temp: Weight and temperature conversions for metric and English values.
•Length: Length conversions for metric and English values.
•Area: Area conversions for metric, traditional and English values.
•Volume: Volume conversions for metric and English values.
3.Choose the pick list near the
•Float (Floating point): Position of decimal point varies according to calculation results.
•Fixed(x) (Fixed point): Enter an integer for the number of decimal places to display, then select Fixed(x) to round calculations to that decimal place.
•Sci(x) (Scientific notation): Enter an integer for the number of decimal places to display, then select Sci(x) to round calculations to that decimal place using scientific notation.
•Eng(x) (Engineering notation): Enter an integer for the number of decimal places to display, then select Eng(c) to round calculations to that decimal place using engineering notation.
4.Choose the pick list near the