Henny Penny OFG-391 manual Type of shortening to be melted Liquid or Solid SP-6, Idle Mode SP-7

Models: OFG-391

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Model OFG- 391


Type of shortening to be melted - Liquid or Solid (SP-6)

MODE (Continued)

The Melt Cycle can be set to the type of shortening being used.

a.Follow steps 1 and 2 above.

b.Press and release 5 times. “SP-6”

and “MELT CYCLE SELECT” flashes on the display, along with “l=LIQ” or “2=SOLID”.

c.Press to toggle from one type to another.

The type of shortening being used in the fryer determines the amount of heat applied during the Melt Cycle. If the controls are set to the solid setting, less heat is applied to the shortening, than if the controls were set to liquid. Too much heat applied to solid shortening causes much smoking, and could cause a fire. Match this setting to the type of shortening being used at the time.

When using new shortening, it is recommended to melt the shortening on an outside source before placing shortening in the frypot. Unless burner tubes are completely covered in shortening, fire or damage to the frypot could result.

Idle Mode (SP-7)

A programmed Idle Mode allows the shortening temperature to drop to a lower temperature when not in use. This saves on the shortening and utilities.

a.Follow steps 1and 2 above.

b.Press and release 6 times. “SP-7” and “IDLE

MODE ENABLED?” flashes in the display, along with “NO” or “YES”.

c. Press and release

to toggle from NO to YES,

or vice versa.


d.With “YES” in the display, the Idle Mode is enabled.

Press and release . “SP-7A” and

“IDLE SETPT TEMP” shows in the display, along with the preset temperature.



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Henny Penny OFG-391 manual Type of shortening to be melted Liquid or Solid SP-6, Idle Mode SP-7