Hitachi MK-96RD647-01 manual Hitachi USP V Cross-OS File Exchange User’s Guide

Models: MK-96RD647-01

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4.Enter the desired FCU initiation parameters for the first FX operation.

Use the buttons to select the transfer direction (M to O or O to M).

Enter the source and target datasets/files in the Mainframe File field (VSN:dataset), and/or Open-system file field (/directory/…/filename).

Open the Option panel using the View-Option…menu command (), and then select the desired FCU options (code conversion, padding, delimiters, etc.). Do not select Continuous execution or Clear log file when creating a new FCU parameter definition file. Close the Option panel when you are done.

5.When the FCU initiation parameters are correct, select the Parameter-Save-

Insert command () to save the current parameter set in the new FCU parameter definition file. The status bar now displays 1/1 to indicate that line one of one is now being displayed. If the FX volume is available, you can perform the operation now by clicking Execute. If the Execute button is not enabled, the parameter set has not been saved in the file.

6.Repeat steps (4) and (5) to add each new FCU initiation parameter set to the new FCU parameter definition file. If desired, you can use the Parameter-

Wipe menu command () to clear the screen before you enter the next set of parameters, or you can leave the parameters and make changes where needed to specify the next new line in the file. Make sure to keep FX operations which use OPEN-xFMT volumes in a separate FCU parameter definition file from operations which use -A, -B, and -C volumes.

7.If you need to insert a new line between two existing lines, go to the line above/before the line to be inserted using the Parameter-Loadcommands

(), change the parameters as needed, and then use the Parameter-Save-Insertcommand () to insert the new line. The new line is inserted below/after the current line number.

8.If you need to modify an existing line, go to the line to be modified using the Parameter-Loadcommands, change the parameters as needed, and then

use the Parameter-Save-Replacecommand () to modify the line as specified.

9.When you want to save your new FCU parameter definition file, select the File-Savemenu command (). The file extension must be .prm.


Performing Cross-Os File Exchange Operations

Hitachi USP V Cross-OS File Exchange User’s Guide

Page 150
Image 150
Hitachi MK-96RD647-01 manual Hitachi USP V Cross-OS File Exchange User’s Guide