Hitachi MK-96RD647-01 manual Output file Close error, Directory error, UNIX/Open system file Close

Models: MK-96RD647-01

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Error Message and Description


Recommended Action(s)













Output file: Close error


Display the system error code using the Help-Error



A file close error occurred in the


command. Please refer to the OS user manual for




information on system errors.



output UNIX file.













UNIX/Open system file: Invalid


Check the specified directory name.



directory name





The specified directory name is





not valid.










UNIX file: Not a directory


Check the specified directory name.



The specified name is not a





directory name.








UNIX/Open system file: Open


Display the system error code using the Help-Error



directory error


command. Please refer to the OS user manual for



A directory open error occurred.


information on system errors.












UNIX/Open system file: Close


Display the system error code using the Help-Error



directory error


command. Please refer to the OS user manual for



A directory close error occurred.


information on system errors.












Input file name: No data


The input file name must be specified when you select File-



The input file name is not



















Output file name: No data


The output file name must be specified when you select



The output file name is not



















Parameter file name: No data


The FCU parameter definition file name must be specified



The parameter definition file


when you select File-Save.







name is not specified.










Parameter file: End line


The next time you select File-Load, the first set of



The last parameter set was


parameters will be loaded.







loaded from the parameter





definition file.










Parameter file: Direction error


Make sure that the direction (mto or otm) is correct.



The data transfer direction





specified in the parameter file is















Parameter file: Too many data


The FCU parameter definition file can only store a maximum



The number of parameter sets


of 100 parameter sets. If necessary, delete one or more




parameter sets to make room for a new parameter set.



for parameter definition file








exceeded 100.










Parameter: Empty select error


Make sure that the Emp=Yes/No parameter is correct.



The Emp parameter is incorrect.









Parameter: RDW select error

Make sure that the RDW=Yes/No parameter is correct.



The RDW parameter is incorrect.









RDW error: CODE_CONV not

Code conversion cannot be performed when RDW=Yes.




Change the code conversion parameter to No.



Code conversion is not specified





as No when RDW=Yes.










Hitachi USP V Cross-OS File Exchange User’s Guide

Page 199
Image 199
Hitachi MK-96RD647-01 manual Output file Close error, Directory error, UNIX/Open system file Close, Input file name No data