Hitachi MK-96RD647-01 manual Troubleshooting, Error Condition Recommended Action

Models: MK-96RD647-01

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For general troubleshooting information on the TagmaStore USP and NSC subsystems, please refer to the Hitachi TagmaStore Universal Storage Platform User and Reference Guide

(MK-94RD231) or Hitachi TagmaStore Network Storage Controller User and Reference Guide (MK-95RD279).

The FAL/FCU software is not expected to fail in any way. When errors are detected, error codes and messages are displayed and/or logged. Appendix C lists the FAL and FCU error codes and provides instructions for resolving the error conditions.

If you have a problem with the FAL/FCU software, first make sure that the problem is not being caused by other open-system software or hardware, and try rebooting the open-system server.

For FCU operations, make sure that the FX volume definition file and FCU initiation parameters are correct. Table 7-1lists potential error conditions in FAL/FCU and provides instructions for resolving each condition.

If you are still unable to resolve an error condition, please ask your Hitachi Data Systems representative for help, or call the Hitachi Data Systems Support Center for assistance (see section Error Codes and Messages).

Table 7-1






Error Condition


Recommended Action




UNIX files in non- TagmaStore USP and


Make sure that the devices have been mounted. If mounting is done

NSC subsystem could not be accessed.


during an FCU operation, the results cannot be guaranteed because




error information may not be reported to FCU.




Solaris system reports an error indicating


Define a path to the Xmlibrary as follows: is not found.


1. For C shell, add the following line to the .cshrc file in the home directory:








2. For non-C shell, add the following two lines to the .dtprofile file in the home directory:












Windows2000/2003/Windows NT systems


Remove all space lines from the FCU parameter definition files. FCU




versions 01-01-24 and earlier supported space lines when run without

FCU reports errors when accessing an FCU


the GUI. FCU versions 01-01-36 and later do not support space lines.

parameter definition file.






FCU reports code conversion table errors.


If you specified your own code conversion table, make sure that the




file name and path are correct. FCU may also report code conversion




table errors when the FX volume definition file contains both




mainframe and OPEN-xFX volumes. Keep the FXoto volume definition




file separate from the FXmto/otm volume definition file.







Hitachi USP V Cross-OS File Exchange User’s Guide

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Hitachi MK-96RD647-01 manual Troubleshooting, Error Condition Recommended Action