Hitachi MK-96RD647-01 manual Arguments, Types and Descriptions for Read Data, For datasetGet

Models: MK-96RD647-01

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Read Data

Format: reclen = dataset_Get(global, g_error, buf, buflen) reclen= dataset_Get2(global, g_error, buf, buflen)

Table 6-14 Arguments, Types and Descriptions for Read Data




global g_error buf buflen

Return value: reclen







Global memory area

An error information stored area Read buffer

Data length transferred to buffer Data length read to buffer Abnormal end

Note: This function provides the ability to read a record of a previously opened dataset out to a buffer. Transferred data is real data only. For further information, see section Reading Data.


global: Global memory area (Specify a Global memory area gotten by dataset_AllocGlobal.)

g_error: Specify an address to store FAL error code.

buf: Specify a buffer to store read data.

buflen: Specify buffer size.

Return Value:

For dataset_Get():

When this function ends normally, reclen (record length) is returned. (1 record length32760).

When this function ends abnormally, “- 1” is returned.

When this function detects EOF, “0” is returned.

For dataset_Get2():

When this function ends normally, reclen (record length) is returned. (0record length32760).

When this function ends abnormally, “- 1” is returned.

When this function detects EOF, “DATASET_ERROR_END_OF_FILE ” is returned.

Note: When “- 1” is returned, refer to the content of g_error for error code details. For further information, see Appendix B.


Performing File Access Library (FAL) Operations

Hitachi USP V Cross-OS File Exchange User’s Guide

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Hitachi MK-96RD647-01 manual Arguments, Types and Descriptions for Read Data, For datasetGet2