Hitachi MK-96RD647-01 manual Error Information, FAL Multi-thread Error Codes, 20, -23

Models: MK-96RD647-01

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Error Information

For details on error messages, see Appendix B. The following error codes do not occur for FAL Multi-thread:

-2, -6, -20, -23, -32

The following error codes only occur for FAL Multi-thread:

Table 6-23 FAL Multi-thread Error Codes




DATASET_ERROR_CANNOT_MALLOC malloc() function is abnormally ended.

DATASET_ERROR_FREE_INVALID_AREA Invalid area for global area.

DATASET_ERROR_CANNOT_FREE free() function is abnormally ended.


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Hitachi MK-96RD647-01 manual Error Information, FAL Multi-thread Error Codes, 20, -23