LTO-Cartridge Memory (LTO-CM) Issues

The LTO-CM stores information that is normally stored in the header at the beginning of the tape, including identification and usage information such as the number of times the cartridge has been loaded, when it was last cleaned, and error logs. If the LTO-CM becomes damaged, you may experience difficulty with the cartridge.

Table 6 LTO-CM Issues







A new data cartridge that is

LTO-CM has failed or is

Replace data cartridge.

write-enabled is rejected by the









A new data cartridge that is

LTO-CM has failed and the drive

Replace data cartridge.

write-protected is rejected in

has found no data to recover.


multiple known good drives.






A cartridge that has data

LTO-CM has failed or is

The data can still be recovered.

written to it and is write-


Contact your support

enabled is rejected by the


representative for more



information. After data



recovery, replace the cartridge.




A cartridge that has data

LTO-CM has failed and the drive

The data can still be recovered

written to it and is write-

cannot use the tape directory

but may take longer than

protected restores very slowly.

information to recover the data.





160 HP Ultrium Drives and Tape Cartridges

Appendix A