4.Press the [SELECT] button.
The Lib Config Menu will appear and the cursor will line up with LIB SCSI I/F CONFIG.
5.Press the [SELECT] button.
The Lib SCSI I/F Config Menu will appear. (This menu also displays the type of SCSI interface: differential or
6.Press the arrow buttons until the cursor underscores SCSI ID.
7.Press the [SELECT] button.
The Set Lib SCSI ID Menu will appear.
8.Press the up and down arrow buttons to select the correct ID.
9.Press the [SELECT] button to save the changes. (You may press the [MENU] button to abort.)
10.If the library SCSI ID is the only configuration value you wish to set at this time, press the [RESET] button. If you wish to set other configuration values before you reset the library, continue with the next section.
72 Entering Configuration Data | Chapter 3 |