








Printed colors do not match

Extremely light screen colors


The software application may

screen colors

are not being printed.


interpret extremely light colors




as white. If so, avoid using




extremely light colors.







Extremely dark screen colors


The software application may


are being printed in black.


interpret extremely dark colors




as black. If so, avoid using




extremely dark colors.







The colors on the computer


For the HP Color LaserJet 3700


screen differ from the printer


series printer only.




1. In the printer driver’s Color







tab, in the Color Options




section, select Manual.




2. Click Settings.




3. In Manual Color Options, in




the Color Options section,




select Default (sRGB) for




each desired object.




4. Click OK to finish.













Several factors can influence




your ability to match printed




colors to those on your screen.




These factors include paper,




overhead lighting, software




applications, operating system




palettes, monitors, and video




cards and drivers. See Color for




more information.






188 Chapter 8 Problemsolving