Storing, Logging and Printing
Logging Graph Displays
| Logging Graph Displays |
Description | The bar graphs and error and alarm summaries can be logged to the disk |
| for printing at a later date. |
| If Option 601, Remote Control, is fitted, the bar graphs and error and |
| alarm summary can be logged to an external HP DeskJet printer at the |
| end of the test period. If a printer is not immediately available, the |
| graphics results remain in memory and can be logged at a later time |
| when a printer becomes available. |
HOW TO: Log to an External Printer
1Connect an external
2 Make the required selections on the OTHER LOGGING display: LOGGING PORT [HPIB] or [RS232] or [PARALLEL] and LOGGING [ON].
3To log the Error and Alarm summaries, the displayed Bar graphs and
the Alarm graph to the printer, choose PRINT on the bar graph display.