Making Measurements
Measuring Jitter
Measuring Jitter
Description: Jitter and error measurements are made simultaneously when a jitter option is fitted. The measurements are made on the normal input to the DSn or SONET receiver and the interface selections are the normal DSn or SONET Receiver selections.
Cumulative and Short Term results of Jitter Amplitude and Jitter Hits are provided on the RESULTS JITTER display.
Graph and Text results for Jitter Transfer and Jitter Tolerance are also provided.
HOW TO: | 1 | If measuring Jitter on a DSn signal, set up the receive DSn interface |
| and the receive Jitter interface. See “Setting DSn Receive Interface” |
| page 15 and “Setting Jitter Receive Interface” page 18. |
| 2 | If measuring Jitter on an SONET signal, set up the receive SONET |
| interface and the receive Jitter interface. See “Setting SONET Receive |
| Interface” page 17 and “Setting Jitter Receive Interface” page 18. |