
save to memory card 104 scan specifications 310 stop 106

text appears as dotted lines 196

text format incorrect 197 text incorrect 197

to memory card 104 troubleshooting 194

scan glass clean 133

scan to menu 13

security Bluetooth 53 Bluetooth adapter 54 network, WEP key 28, 32,

33, 34, 46, 47 troubleshoot 32

self-test report 128 set

print options 74, 78 settings

Bluetooth 52 country/region 19 language 19 network 36 restore defaults 38

setup button 11 menu 13

sharing 35

shift left margin 114 ship your device 307 signal strength 46 sleep state 12 Smart Key 28 smeared ink 160 software application, print

from 73 software installation

reinstall 148 uninstall 148

speed copy 111 print 76

SSID troubleshoot 153 wireless setting 46

start copy black 11 start copy color 11 status, network 43


copy 115 print job 90 scan 106

Store Demo 22 subnet mask 44, 45 support

contact 304 support process 304 system requirements 309


T-shirt transfers. See iron-on transfers

technical information copy specifications 310 paper specifications 309 print specifications 310 scan specifications 310 system requirements 309

telephone numbers, support 304


cut off 187

dotted lines on scan 196 enhance on copies 114 incorrect format on

scan 197 incorrect or missing on

scan 197 jagged 175 meaningless characters 182 not filled in 163

smooth fonts 175 Tips Slideshow 22 total packets

received 48 transmitted 48

total packets received (802.3 wired) 45

total packets transmitted (802.3 wired) 45

transparencies copy 109 load 69 specifications 309


fax problems 163 incorrect

measurements 144 jams, paper 70 language, display 144 low signal 155

network connection 155 network setup 149 Passphrase, invalid 156 print quality 160 Readme file 139 setup 139

USB cable 142 WEP key 156

wireless setup wizard 149, 153

troubleshooting copy 199

error messages 204 memory card 189 print 177

Printer not Found 151, 157 scan 194

two-sided prints 83, 84


uninstall software 148 upgrade to network 35 URL 43

USB cable communication lost 256

USB cable installation 142


visibility (Bluetooth) 53


warranty 303, 305 Web pages, print 90 WEP key, setup 32 wireless

radio, turn off 38 setup wizard,

troubleshoot 149, 153 status 46


zoom button 11 buttons 98, 118 photos 98, 118
