B Support and warranty
The information in Maintain and troubleshoot suggests solutions to common problems. If your device is not operating correctly and those suggestions did not solve your problem, try using one of the following support services to obtain assistance.
This section contains the following topics:
•Obtain electronic support
•Ink cartridge warranty information
•Obtain HP telephone support
•Prepare the device for shipment
•Pack the device
Obtain electronic support
To find support and warranty information, go to the HP Web site at www.hp.com/support. If prompted, choose your country/region, and then click Contact HP for information on calling for technical support.
This Web site also offers technical support, drivers, supplies, ordering information, and other options such as:
•Access online support pages.
•Send HP an
•Connect with an HP technician by using online chat.
•Check for software updates.
You can also obtain support from HP from the following electronic sources:
•HP Toolbox (Windows): The HP Toolbox provides easy,
•Embedded Web server: When the device is connected to a network, you can use the embedded Web server to view status information, change settings, and manage the device at your computer. For more information, see Embedded Web server.
Support options and availability vary by product, country/region, and language.
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