Hardware Configuration
To install and configure print/copy devices (printers, queues and clusters)
Printers / Queues
The window PRI NTERS / QUEUES will appear automatically upon the first start. If you want to access the printer and queue configuration at a later time, go to menu bar CONFI GURATION PRINTERS / QUEUE S to open that window (see § MENU BAR OPTIONS § CONFIGURATION).
Highlight a printer in the list box AV A I L ABL E PRI NTERS and click on the red arrow button (ADD PRI NTER ). Alternatively, you may
After selecting a printer, you will automatically be guided to THE CONFIGURATION WIZARD.
Printer Configuration
Clicking on the PRI NTER CONFI GURATI ON button while an installed printer is highlighted opens THE CONFIGURATION WIZARD. You may also
In case of a highlighted queue the CONFIGURE Q UE UE window will open. You can also use a
For further details about configuring a queue please go to § CREATE QUEUE within this main chapter.
If a Printer Cluster is highlighted, pressing the PRI NTER CO N FI G U RATIO N button will take you to the window
For further details configuring a Printer Cluster go to § CREATE PRINTER CLUSTER.