
Use this tab and its drop down menus to configure different measurement units to your demands. You may alter the unit standards in view of L E N G T H , AR E A , VO L U M E , CU R R E N C Y as well as DATE RANGE . You may also alter the calculating accuracy by changing the number of decimals that are taken into consideration. To do so, just use the drop down at the right of each unit selection.


By selecting this tab you get access to various settings in order to manage the export file. The export file records all print costs data.

First select the system path where to save the export file. Check the box below to


After that, choose a radio button indicating if the export file is going to be an excel- or text-file. Below you have got more detailed options to alter the form of the file.

Finally put a checkmark at each box corresponding with the data information you want to receive with the export file.

You may push the EX PO R T button manually to export a file.


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Image 86
HP SCP Software for s manual Preferences, Export