Instant Capacity Manpages
iCOD (5) Manpage
3)If asset reporting is to be used, execute the
icod_notify command (see icod_notify (1M)) to send an asset report to HP, root, and to the specified
Prior to activating iCOD components, a
Codewords are applied to the system using the icod_modify command. After an RTU codeword has been applied to the system, the iCOD component can be activated by using the icod_modify command (if activating processors), or other commands including parmodify (see parmodify (1M)) and parmgr (see parmgr (1M)), depending on the type of iCOD component.
Software Removal
The iCOD software cannot be removed because other software products depend on iCOD software to approve configuration changes to the system.
Contractual Status Of iCOD Processors
Information about the iCOD components (inactive processors, cells, and memory for which an enablement fee has not been paid) on a system can be obtained by executing the icod_stat command. This command also provides information about the amount of temporary capacity presently in use, and the projected expiration of the temporary capacity.
Appendix C | 161 |